The Role of Logic in Understanding Law
Minggu, 20 Januari 2019
Law Faculty students make many mistakes in understanding the thought patterns used. In interpreting the law, prioritizing logic has become something we usually do. In fact, the law itself does not always have to use logic, because it can make them get lost. Indeed, law is logic. However the law is indeed created using logic. However, the law should not be logged.
Indeed, good and meaningful argumentation is a fully constructed argument using logic. But keep in mind, that law is not logic, because law is not always based on logic or can be logic.
This is what often makes students majoring in Law get lost. They often do legal understanding by using reason but not accompanied by theories and concepts. Many of them do not know that the law cannot indeed be logged. That is, a truth must be supported by theories and concepts that are systematic and not ambiguous.
At present there are so many Law students who have confidently expressed their opinions about the law, without ever reading, studying or understanding first. This is clearly a wrong thing and should not be done.
To have 'coherent and fundamental logic' in order to produce an argument that is truly 'legal argumentation', it is necessary to know about the logic model, namely syllogistic logic, propositions and predicates. Where to find out this needs to be cultivated to read, study and analyze legal issues in order to obtain clear and fundamental concepts.
Are you or your friends like this? If so, then now is the time to change this. It is very important to read the references before expressing arguments about the law, so that the arguments we put forward have a clear basis and are not based solely on reason or logic. Keep in mind once again, the law cannot be logged.
Indeed, good and meaningful argumentation is a fully constructed argument using logic. But keep in mind, that law is not logic, because law is not always based on logic or can be logic.
This is what often makes students majoring in Law get lost. They often do legal understanding by using reason but not accompanied by theories and concepts. Many of them do not know that the law cannot indeed be logged. That is, a truth must be supported by theories and concepts that are systematic and not ambiguous.
At present there are so many Law students who have confidently expressed their opinions about the law, without ever reading, studying or understanding first. This is clearly a wrong thing and should not be done.
To have 'coherent and fundamental logic' in order to produce an argument that is truly 'legal argumentation', it is necessary to know about the logic model, namely syllogistic logic, propositions and predicates. Where to find out this needs to be cultivated to read, study and analyze legal issues in order to obtain clear and fundamental concepts.
Are you or your friends like this? If so, then now is the time to change this. It is very important to read the references before expressing arguments about the law, so that the arguments we put forward have a clear basis and are not based solely on reason or logic. Keep in mind once again, the law cannot be logged.